Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Pre-Christmas Christmas's

Since Ben and I were going away for Christmas and New Years, we had a few get togethers before we left to celebrate.
First stop, up to the Block's to help decorate their tree for their 1st Christmas in their house! Zander was very curious about the process :)
Ben working his amazing tree lighting skills
Zander working his I'm so cute skills :)
The finished product! (minus the gorgeous ribbon Vanessa added later)
The Blocks
Next weekend, they came down to our house to have a celebration with us and with our friends Seth and Whitney from the Springs.
Right after this next picture, we took a group picture on the couch - which as we were taking the timed photo, the couch BROKE!!! I'm hoping to get that photo posted here if I can find it!
Seth and Whitney - post celebration, in the PJ's ready for bed! Thanks for coming up guys! We miss you!
The very next day, my parents came down from Nebraska and my sister and her family came down from Ault for a Family Christmas. My sister and I attempted to show Kayla how fun Twister was! (Definitely not as flexible as I used to be to pull this game off!)

Kayla played Santa and handed out all the presents
Kayla was so excited to get princess stuff and barbies! Reminds me NOTHING of her mom, and totally of ME!!!! (She's actually wearing the dress my sister and I wore when we were her age!)
My dad, constantly trying to video everything - as they were heading to see my grandma in Iowa right after this. This way, she could see us all at Christmas!

Ty is a big Longhorns fan, so my parents got the whole family their own hats! :)

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