Sunday, July 09, 2006


It was Ben's 30th birthday on the 7th, ready....everyone!...."Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Beeeeeeennnnnnnnnn, Happy Birthday tooooo yoooouuuuu!"
It was a good one, Ben got a tool chest/work center to put all his tools in...
and some Superman pj pants!!!!! (He also got some more socially acceptable ones too to wear around other people, as to not give away his identity)...
He got the birthday poster greeting, started by his mom when he was just a wee one...
and then a dinner at Benihanna's and dessert at the Crow's Nest with our friends The Browns.
Then for another dessert, I combined his favorites...cupcakes and angel food cake...and made angel cupcakes!!!! Turned out a little strange (if any of your try this, DON'T use paper cups!) but still good none the less.

Now try to imagine the next two pics in action!!!!! Happy Birthday my love!

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Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I was going to call to see what you did but now I don't have to. Looks like lots of fun. I'll post my B-Day BBQ pixs soon and send you the link. Wow, 30. You really are old now. I hit 39!!! Sat. Where does the time go. Happy Birthday old man

KevinandSpring said...

Please put ----WARNING, MAY CAUSE EYE DAMAGE---- on the blog next time you post Ben without his shirt so that I can put my sunglasses on before I view the picture, I think I damaged my retinas!!!!! Happy Birthday man!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ben. Can I get a hoo ha two times Tuesday? HOO-HA! That's what I'm talking about.


Anonymous said...

Okay from one minute Ben is wearing clothes to the next, he is almost in his "birthday"(it really was his birthday) suit....get it, no pun intended. Okay you might need to make sure people are of age to see your website. Dude, I am the worst friend in America...totally spaced it. I miss you both and for what it is worth "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!!". Love you guys and can't wait to see you soon!!!!!