Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weekend o fun.

I think that weekends should be 5 days and the work week should be 2. Whoever set it up the way it is should be hung high in the center of town. Alas, we must make the best of what we have... so that is just what I did this weekend. Pictured below are some shots from ice climbing which happened on Sunday, on Saturday I went backcountry snowboarding in Turnagain Pass. I have no pictures from that day because it was sooooo much fun that I never stopped to take a picture, even though it was a great day for pics. too bad :( We went up Tin Cup, the run we tried to do a week ago. Man was it amazing. The powder was super dooper deep and even fluffier than it was deep! It was pretty much like flaoting down a mountain on a cloud, but since there are no pictures of that amazing day which will live forever in my memory, you'll just have to imagine it for yourselves...

As for the ice climbing, it was a blast as well, we hammered into a waterfall south of town. There were some really cool ice formations like this one in a cave half way up.

That's me, chopping away at the waterfall. If you have never ice climbed then get a ticket up to alaska and meet me at my place, trust me, it's worth it.
A shot of Kevin looking back at me as he headed for the top.

Can't wait for next weekend. Damn, 5 days to go.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben/Lisa

This is Lisa Brown's father just trying to get in contact with you - Ive' asked Andy for your e-mail address several ties to no avail. You seem to me to be THE People to ask about AK. Terri and I will be returning to Anchorage on May 29th and are considering some side trip. Can you contact us and give us some recommendations? Our e-mail address is